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There are only three collections of this rather rare Nal-Tel subrace. Hailing from the Departments of El Quiche, Totonicapan, and Quetzaltenango, it is very similar to the yellow form known as Amarillo Tierra Alta. It is early in maturity and has predominantly white but also some yellow kernels on 4-5 inch long ears on 9-12 foot tall plants. Nal-Tel is an ancient introduction into Guatemala and have given rise to these 5 subraces of it. The actual race is rare to found in purity today, but it was more common earlier. Maize was grown by the Guatemalan Indians at various altitudes, which has led to various subraces to exist as seen in Nal-Tel. Keeping the varieties pure with respect to color also is a factor. Mexico only has a yellow seeded Nal-Tel of lowands, while in Guatemala there are yellow, white, and red subraces in highland and lowland.

Nal-Tel Blanco Tierra Alta

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